Created by: [Tyler]
Hi, I'm [Tyler], and this is all about trying to get along with my roommate!
Edit: It isn't going well. This is the only place that keeps everything up to date in real-time. My phone may be compromised, so this is the best way to keep track of everything. In case he comes back.
09-01 blogpost 2
The Beach
[Note: Password-protected. And we still can't see what this says. Thanks for helping our patrons with reading this, Oliver.]
We, the four of us, are finally in a room together. Sam and I saw the note on the door.
We don't know where to start.
Sam tries to break the awkward silence. I don't hear what he says. He starts shaking.
Finn approaches, feet barely touching the ground. Sam knocks him across the room.
The air is thick. I smell salt.
Brandon gets to Sam. I get to Finn.
I feel the cold impact as Sam knocks Brandon to the floor, against my back.
I turn, staring Sam in the eye. Finn is behind me. I don't see Finn.
I see Sam, flying across the room, Finn's outstretched hand reaching past me.
Brandon is at Sam's side. He touches Sam's shoulder. They fall apart.
Finn and I catch out breath. Sam looks around, recognizing, mouth sealing itself.
We sit, tired again.
We can do this.